Selective Deworming and Preventing Reinfestation in Horses – Biological Times

Selective Deworming and Preventing Reinfestation in Horses

Publication Date : 26/06/2023

Author(s) :

Arfa Shahzad, Ammar Tahi, Umber Rauf, Muhammad Kashif, Hira Anjum.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 6
(06 - 2023)

Abstract :

A novel method of controlling the horse to lower parasite burdens is strategic deworming. Studies have revealed that it works rather well. Your veterinarian can help you choose the deworming technique that is most effective for you. To avoid increasing the parasite burden on the horse, it's also crucial to manage dung in your pastures and avoid overgrazing. Deworming is most effective when combined with optimal management practices, such as clean farming and waste disposal.

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