Administration of Intrauterine Oxytetracycline during Early Pregnancy in Repeat Breeding Cattle: A Case Study
(01 - 2025)
Abstract :
To treat uterine infection, it is common practice to use intrauterine antibiotics, and oxytetracycline is the most widely used antibiotic worldwide for this purpose. However, there exist concerns about its safety if used during early pregnancy due to its nature that it can cross the placental barrier and cause developmental defects. This study describes the records of four cases of cattle presented during different periods with the complaint of repeat breeding. All animals had a history of multiple inseminations. Each animal was treated with 1.5 grams of intrauterine oxytetracycline after 17 ± 10 days of their last insemination. Post-treatment, none of the cattle exhibited estrus, and rectal palpation revealed that all were pregnant with viable fetuses. Pregnancy was confirmed 15 ± 15 days post-treatment and reconfirmed at 90 days of gestation. All cattle successfully delivered healthy calves.