Who We Are

Biological Times is a magazine under the supervision of the Pakistan Agroveterinarian Association (PAVA). Biological Times magazine is a monthly magazine created with the aim of linking the community with the advancements in research of biological sciences. It was created to fulfill the deficiency of standard scientific magazines regarding communication and extension articles. Globally, no standard e-service is available which provides an opportunity for the researchers to communicate with the community. This forum will provide the researchers an opportunity to publish their work in a standard format using simple language to create awareness in the community about modern research and science alerts.


  1. Standard, plagiarism-free publications
  2. Motivate young researchers for publication
  3. Create awareness in the community about modern trends
  4. Open-access publishing gives the community free and easy access to the literature


  1. Publishes extension articles, popular articles related to biological sciences only
  2. Immediate review of the articles for improving the writing experience of researchers
  3. Globally accessible and indexed material easy to be cited
  4. A reserved platform for biological communities to share their research



Md. Masudur Rahman

Professor, Department of Pathology,

Faculty of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Email: rahmanmm.dpp@sau.ac.bd

Nahla Mohammed Saeed

Professor/ Vice Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine,

University of Sulaimania, Iraq
Email: nahla.saeed@univsul.edu.iq

Tauseef ur Rehman

Associate Professor/ Chairman, Department of Parasitology,

Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Email: drtauseef@iub.edu.pk

Asghar Abbas

Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,

Muhammad Nawaz Shareef
University of Agriculture Multan, Pakistan
Email: asghar.abbas@mnsuam.edu.pk

Dr. Shameeran Salman Ismael

Dr. Shameeran Salman Ismael

Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Sciences/University of Duhok, Iraq

Email: Shameeran.ismael@uod.ac

Management Committee

Dr. Rao Zahid Abbas

Professor/ Chairman, Department of Parasitology

University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
Email: raouaf@hotmail.com

Dr. Muhammad Salman

Chief Managing Editor/ Publisher

University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
 Email: msalmanhameed@gmail.com

Dr. Zohaib Saeed

Managing Co-Editor

Multan University of Science and Technology, Pakistan
Email: zohaibsaeedahmad@gmail.com

Tayyaba Akhtar

Human Resource Co-ordinator

KBCMA College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Narowal, Sub-Campus UVAS-Lahore, Pakistan
Email: tayyabaakhtarcheema@gmail.com

Sidra Altaf

Incharge of Publication, and Printing

University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
Email: sidra.altaf@uaf.edu.pk

Muhammad Adnan Sabir Mughal

Incharge Scrutiny Committee
Department of Parasitology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Email: adnansabir330@gmail.com

Muhammad Abdullah Qureshi

Designing Assistant
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

Email: abdullah5902070@gmail.com