Cinnamaldehyde as a Potential Antibiotic Substitute against Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria during Antimicrobial Resistant Challenges
Publication Date : 06/11/2023
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Abstract :
Cinnamaldehyde, found in cinnamon essential oils, has been found to obstruct harmful bacteria both in laboratory experiments and in human food. Conformist antibiotics and antibacterial drugs have been effective in obstructing bacterial infections, but their excessive use has directed the development of resistant bacterial strains. There is a growing issue with bacteria becoming resistant to conformist antibiotics, causing a need for alternative strategies to conflict with antimicrobial resistance. In this context, scientists are looking at natural compounds like cinnamaldehyde, which has potent antimicrobial properties. Additionally, they have successfully developed analogous compounds that exhibit even better efficacy as compared to regular conformist antibiotics. A comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms through which these compound exert their antimicrobial properties is crucial for making new antimicrobial drugs. This review critically scrutinizes about current state of knowledge concerning these compounds and their mechanisms of action in combating bacterial pathogens. The decisive object is to leverage this information to overlay the technique for the development of innovative and more effective antimicrobial drugs in the future, thereby addressing the emerging challenge of antimicrobial resistance.
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