A Mini Review on the Outbreaks of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Balochistan, Pakistan – Biological Times

A Mini Review on the Outbreaks of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Balochistan, Pakistan

Publication Date : 10/12/2023

Author(s) :

Muhammad Adil, Farrah Deeba, Abdul Hameed Shakir, Syed Khalil ud-Din Shah, Muhammad Umar Khan, Bilal Ahmad, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Murtaza.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 11
(12 - 2023)

Abstract :

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is a deadly viral disease which is spread by ticks especially by Hyalomma species. It has spread worldwide but in developed countries its spreading has been controlled but in underdeveloped countries especially Asian countries are at risk. Recently in Balochistan province of Pakistan has an outbreak emerge which cause high morbidity as well as mortality.

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