Comprehensive Management of Poultry Hatcheries: Ensuring Biosecurity, Chicks Quality, and Economic Sustainability, A Mini Review. – Biological Times

Comprehensive Management of Poultry Hatcheries: Ensuring Biosecurity, Chicks Quality, and Economic Sustainability, A Mini Review.

Publication Date : 10/12/2023

Author(s) :

Ghulam Murtaza, Mohsin Amin, Jan Mohammad, Raja Sikandar, Bushra Zaidi, Muhammad Sajid.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 11
(12 - 2023)

Abstract :

Abstract A poultry hatchery is an installation or building in which the hatching of poultry eggs is artificially controlled for commercial purposes. It serves various purposes, including the conservation of rare species and meeting economic needs for food production. The hatchery process involves careful egg handling, maintaining specific temperatures and humidity levels, and ensuring biosecurity measures to prevent diseases. From egg receiving to incubation and chick grading, each step is crucial for producing healthy and uniform chicks. The overall success of the hatchery depends on effective management, contributing to the quality of chicks supplied to the poultry industry. Keywords: Hatchery, Chicks, Embryological Development and Poultry.

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