Adaptations and Behaviors in Avian against Parasitic Infestations – Biological Times

Adaptations and Behaviors in Avian against Parasitic Infestations

Publication Date : 09/01/2024

Author(s) :

Asif Iqbal, Hassan Kamal, Zohaib Ali.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 12
(01 - 2024)

Abstract :

Given the diversity of birds across the globe combined with the fact that avian life is directly hindered by parasitic infestations, it is evident that avian life forms must have developed certain adaptations and behavioral changes to overcome this biological threat. This article explores the relationship between avian and parasites, and examines the mechanisms utilized by avian to protect themselves against parasites. Foremost, it addresses how bird behavior allows them to manipulate the environment around them to protect themselves against parasitic infections. Next, this article mentions the communal behavioral immunity against parasitic infections. Finally, this article addresses the adaptations in birds that have allowed them to have a selective advantage over parasites.

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