The Health Benefits and Potential Effects of Daily Ginger Consumption – Biological Times

The Health Benefits and Potential Effects of Daily Ginger Consumption

Publication Date : 09/01/2024

Author(s) :

Shameeran Salman Ismael , Barhav Issa Abdullah, Soleen Azad Sultan.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 12
(01 - 2024)

Abstract :

Ginger, a widely utilized spice and medicinal herb, has gained recognition for its potential health benefits when incorporated into daily diets. This article provides an overview of the numerous positive effects of ginger consumption on the human body, encompassing its impact on digestive health, anti-inflammatory properties, immune system support, potential weight management, heart health, anti-nausea effects, and potential benefits for brain health. While daily ginger consumption offers a range of health advantages, caution regarding excessive intake and considerations for individual health circumstances are crucial. Integrating ginger into one's diet presents an opportunity for enhancing overall well-being, but moderation and informed consumption remain key aspects for harnessing its potential benefits safely.

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