Detection of organophosphate residue in food and another agricultural commodity via gold nanoparticles – Biological Times

Detection of organophosphate residue in food and another agricultural commodity via gold nanoparticles

Publication Date : 30-03-2023

Author(s) :

Tasawar Iqbal, Dr. Sidra Altaf *, Arslan Iftikhar.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 3
(03 - 2023)

Abstract :

This article discusses a new technique for detecting organophosphate compounds using gold nanoparticles. Organophosphates are widely used as insecticides and other agricultural chemicals. They are also used in chemical warfare agents making their detection crucial for environmental safety and public health. The technique involves coating gold nanoparticles with a special molecule that binds specifically to organophosphate compounds resulting in a color change when the compounds are present. The technique of using gold nanoparticles for detecting organophosphates has the potential to improve environmental safety and public health and to pave the way for new and innovative uses of these nanoparticles in various fields.

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