Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Role of Poor Nutrition in Liver Diseases – Biological Times

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Role of Poor Nutrition in Liver Diseases

Publication Date : 23/07/2023

Author(s) :

Muhammad Wasif, Rizwan Shukat, Pariwush Rubab, Muhammad Ahsan, Maleeha Mehak.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 7
(07 - 2023)

Abstract :

NAFLD is supposed to be the most evident Chronic Liver Disorder (CLD) worldwide. NAFLD could be due to obesity, diabetes, and cardiac metabolic syndrome. Fat accumulation in the liver enhances the chances of NAFLD. Till today, there is no potent pharmacotherapeutic treatment available for NAFLD, but the lifestyle changes such as physical activity, and dietary behaviors including the consumption of safe and healthy foods, etc. can reduce the chances of NAFLD. Some specific nutrients and dietary behavioral modifications pose a positive impact on managing NAFLD. Unhealthy diets including higher levels of calories, saturated fatty acids (SFA), trans-fats and Mega Trans, simple sugars and animal proteins, and reduced levels of micro-nutrients, fibers, and polyunsaturated fatty acids have a vital role in its outbreak and spread. Currently, low-caloric and plant-based diets, with physical activity has the potential to reduce body weight and it could be an effective intervention for NAFLD treatment.

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