Hepatitis C an ample viral infection in Pakistan: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Public Health Challenges – Biological Times

Hepatitis C an ample viral infection in Pakistan: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Public Health Challenges

Publication Date : 31-12-2024

Author(s) :

Azka Nasir, Rabia Maham, Faiza Sakhawat.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 12
(12 - 2024)

Abstract :

Hepatitis C virus infection is a significant concern for global health and represents a serious issue for public health, particularly in developing nations like Pakistan. With approximately 8 million to 11 million people (which is roughly double the population of Arizona) experiencing active HCV viremia, Pakistan has the second highest burden of HCV worldwide, along with 240,000 new infections annually. A considerable portion of the population in Pakistan lives with chronic HCV, and many of these individuals go on to develop cirrhosis and liver cancer. Several crucial factors, namely injection drug users and accidental puncture with infected needles are identified as contributing to Hepatitis C. RT-PCR provides a diagnosis that is more sensitive and specific than serological testing, allowing for prompt and focused interventions. One characteristic complicating treatment is the variability of the virus. The article offers a comprehensive analysis of the prevalence of different genotypes and emphasizes the significance of efficient treatment.

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