Do you know the persistence of challenges posed by Zoonotic Helminthes – Biological Times

Do you know the persistence of challenges posed by Zoonotic Helminthes

Publication Date : 10-02-2024

Author(s) :

Shameeran Salman Ismael , Beri Adil Tawfeq, Amal Jamil Sadiq.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 2
(02 - 2024)

Abstract :

Zoonotic helminths, parasitic worms capable of traversing species boundaries from animals to humans, present an enduring challenge to global public health. These intricate organisms encompass a diverse array of species, each possessing unique life cycles, transmission routes, and impacts on both animal and human populations. Despite significant advancements in medical science and public health initiatives, the multifaceted nature of zoonotic helminth infections continues to pose substantial hurdles in their prevention, control, and eradication. In this article, exploring the complexities surrounding zoonotic helminths and understanding the reasons behind their enduring challenge becomes imperative in shaping effective interventions and safeguarding the health and well-being of both animal and human populations globally

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