Phytochemical Solutions for Infectious Bursal Disease: A Sustainable Approach to Poultry Health
Publication Date : 10-02-2024
Author(s) :
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 2
(02 - 2024)
Abstract :
IBD is a virus that can cause difficulties for young chicks because of its variable strains and insufficient vaccinations. Phytochemicals, derived from plants, have antiviral properties against IBDV. However, before exploring phytochemical therapies, one must understand the pathophysiology of IBD, hygienic guidelines, and challenges associated with immunization. Some plants rich in phytochemicals that may benefit chicken health include turmeric, green tea, garlic, licorice, neem, and ginger. The article analyzes the mechanisms of action, showing how phytochemicals reduce inflammation, strengthen immune responses, and inhibit the growth of viruses.
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