Unveiling the role of Ivermectin for effective control of Ticks! A myth
Publication Date : 10-02-2024
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Abstract :
Ticks pose a serious threat to human beings as well as livestock in Pakistan. These can disseminate a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa like rickettsia and spirochetes. Every ecological and topographical region in Pakistan is home to ticks. Pakistan has records of both cattle theileriosis and bovine babesiosis. A virus called Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is transmitted by ticks and affects those who work with cattle, such as veterinarians, hospitals, and slaughterhouse employees. At least 40 species of ticks exist, the majority of which being Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma, and Rhipicephalus. In Pakistan, goats are the primary hosts of ticks throughout the summer months of June to September. Anaplasma, Babesia, and Theileria species are among the tick-borne illnesses that are more prevalent in sheep than in goats. Occasional cases of CCHF outbreaks with a 24% mortality rate have been reported in Pakistan over the past sixteen years. To stop the spread of zoonotic diseases and manage tick populations, the provinces of Sind and Punjab have launched massive tick control initiatives. These ticks can be controlled in various ways but ivermectin has significant effects and most farmers are using it to combat tick- and tick-borne diseases. Keywords: Ticks, Ectoparasites, ticks, ivermectin, diseases, animals.
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