Role of Lactobacillus as a Probiotic Against the Zoonotic Potential of Rotavirus Infection – Biological Times

Role of Lactobacillus as a Probiotic Against the Zoonotic Potential of Rotavirus Infection

Publication Date : 31-07-2024

Author(s) :

Nouman Tariq, Hafiz Aamir Ali Kharl, Sadia Ali, Maida Asif, Aneeqa Zarbab, Ayesha Bintay Farooq.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 7
(07 - 2024)

Abstract :

Rotavirus is a naked double Standard RNA virus that causes watery diarrhoea in humans and animals. It comprises three layers of viral proteins and spreads through air and contact with the feces of infected individuals. It affects enterocytes and crypt cells of villi. It causes changes in electrolyte numbers inside the host leading the patient to extreme tiredness. Probiotics are those live bacteria and yeast which already exist in living organisms' bodies and patients can use them as food supplements to maintain their microbiota. Lactobacillus is a rod-shaped gram-positive bacteria found inside the gastrointestinal pathway, especially in the small intestine. It helps to maintain body metabolism and is a powerful agent for diarrheal patients. It blocks various rotavirus protein binding activity. It acts as a buffer inside digestive organs. The researcher concludes that Lactobacillus-rich food is a good treatment against diarrheal infection.

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