Unveiling Malaria Vaccine Miracle – Biological Times

Unveiling Malaria Vaccine Miracle

Publication Date : 31-07-2024

Author(s) :

Maryam Bashir, Faryal Ikram, Muhammad Adnan Sabir Mughal, Haseeb Ashraf.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 7
(07 - 2024)

Abstract :

Malaria is a major public health problem, affecting most of the world population. Although efforts have greatly reduced the burden of malaria through centuries, but it still endangers millions of children’s life. An important approach in control strategies of malaria is the development of an efficient vaccine. Malaria vaccination has made significant contributions to public health. There are many obstacles such as intricate nature of parasite life cycle, immune dodging and diverse parasite genome for the development of effective malaria vaccine. Out of five Plasmodium species only two species i.e. P. falciparum and P. vivax are in use for the development of malaria vaccine. Many strategies including pre-erythrocytic vaccine, blood stage vaccine, placental stage malarial vaccine and subunit vaccine has been evolved for the development of malaria vaccine. Further research on the use of the parasite targets as well as the evaluation of different vaccine candidates in the process through vaccine trials are highly suggested because a malaria vaccine would be a significant tool for the eradication of malaria.

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