Understanding the Allelomimetic Behavior in Horses with its Impact and Management in training – Biological Times

Understanding the Allelomimetic Behavior in Horses with its Impact and Management in training

Publication Date : 31-08-2024

Author(s) :

Razia Kausar, Muhammad Usman , Muhammad Umar Sharif , Muhammad Adnan Sabir Mughal, Riffat Maqsood .

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 8
(08 - 2024)

Abstract :

Allelomimetic behavior is a one of the unique behaviors which play effective role in maintaining social affiliation and group cohesion among equines. This behavior of Equines may prove helpful in protecting them from predators. On the other hand, this behavior may lead to competition of resources among equine population. Allelomimetic behavior in horses is usually prevalent in early childhood, and may lead to abnormal behaviors like balking and bucking. Training of young horses often involves pairing them with experienced, calm horses, while addressing issues such as balking requires understanding their triggers and managing stress effectively. Horses should be effectively pushed out of their comfort zones by various tasks and to improve their responsiveness and reduce stress. Riders should manage stress-induced behaviors like balking and bucking by gradually increasing pressure and using distractions to relieve anxiety. There are many reasons due to which horses may buck or resist riding like fear, pain, disrespect, or misunderstanding, so it's necessary for riders to ensure proper tack fitting, provide a safe environment, and use clear cues. Establishing respect and consistent communication helps in addressing and preventing misbehavior during rides. Cribbing is a repetitive behavior in horses which is caused by stress and other factors. It can lead to various health issues. While various treatments are available to tackle these health issues. Prevention from various health issues can be done through socialization and environmental management is often more effective. Understanding Allelomimetic behavior is necessary for the effective horse management and training.

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