Adverse effects and mitigating strategies of heat stress in chickens – Biological Times

Adverse effects and mitigating strategies of heat stress in chickens

Publication Date : 30-09-2024

Author(s) :

Umm Ul Khair, Usama Nasrullah, Ayiza Suleman, Zuha Fatima, Muqadas.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 9
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

Climate change or global warming increasing in the coming years is the major issue that adversely affects livestock and poultry sector and leads to great economic losses. Heat stress induces negative physiological and behavioral symptoms in birds. It badly affects their metabolism, body temperature, performance, production, fertility, intestinal health, appetite, hormones and immunity. Birds’ respiration rate increases and appetite decreases. To overcome these adverse effects, there is a great need for good managemental strategies. Dietary manipulation and proper proportion of feed and water is one of the key factors to control heat stress. The addition of different feed additives, like vitamins, minerals, salts and phytochemicals, proves to be magnificent in balancing heat stress

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