The Role of Probiotics in Enhancing Livestock Immune Systems – Biological Times

The Role of Probiotics in Enhancing Livestock Immune Systems

Publication Date : 30-09-2024

Author(s) :

Rabia Yaqoob, Muhammad Zulqarnain, Faiza Sultan, Iqra Lodhi, Shahid Iqbal.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 9
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

Probiotics play a significant role in maintaining and improving the immune systems of livestock. Different strains of probiotics including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, have been shown to support gut health by promoting a balanced microbiota. Continuously, it is crucial for proper immune function. Probiotics compete with harmful bacteria to enhance antibody production and reduce stress's negative effects. Moreover, recent research highlights the significance of probiotics in livestock feed for promoting gut health, managing stress, and increasing disease resistance Furthermore, their use has shown promise in preventing pathogenic infections such as Clostridium and Salmonella, while also addressing issues including acidosis and rumen pH imbalances in dairy cattle. Probiotics also play a crucial role in stabilizing the gut microbiome and fostering healthy development in young livestock. For instance, probiotics present a sustainable solution to mitigate antibiotic resistance in veterinary medicine and enhance livestock health and well-being as a substitute for antibiotics.

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